Sunday, December 18, 2011

How I became a Nerdfighter

As I said in my last post, I have been watching the vlogbrothers. They are amazing and kinda changed my life. I can't really explain how, but it's there and always will be. I wish I could say that I have been watching since 2007, but I haven't. I started a few months ago when I was bored, but I didn't just jump in. I went all the way back to the first video and watched from there. It took a long time, but I finished today. I am officially caught up. YAY. I think it's pretty cool that I finished today because today is the second day of Project for Awesome. For anyone who doesn't know what that is, go here.
While I will not be doing a video, or even very much for P4A, I wanted to say how awesome I think Nerdfighters are and how they show that so many awesome people can join together and create awesome. Awesome isn't energy or matter. Awesome can be created. And on that note, Best Wishes.
P.S. I might be making references to them to you might want to watch  some of their videos...


  1. What happens when you turn 14? blog-ception


    1. technically I was in my thirteenth year last year... I'll probably just make a new permanenter one.
